Should the current methods of study change — to have digital methods — however slightly or wholesale, given the focus on objects and content of the medium?
Video and podcast: “Humanities in the Digital Age”
Alison Bylerly and Steven Pinker ask: Is there a significant role for the humanities in our digital future?
Humanities in the Digital Age
With Alison Byerly and Steven Pinker, we ask how digital tools and systems have already begun to transform humanistic education.
In Medias Res, Fall 2004
“Because of our interest in the communities that form around games, we are positioned to examine the informal learning that occurs outside of school spaces.”
In Medias Res, Spring 2004
“It is clear that this idea of ‘applied humanism’ is being embodied by the day-to-day activities of our students, visiting scholars and faculty.”
CMS Highlights New Humanities Education Methods at Conference
A session on transforming humanities education (a project supported by the d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education at MIT) presented both new teaching materials and new strategies for forming learning communities across disciplines and distances.
New Models for Teaching and Learning, Grow Up with
MIT’s Program in Comparative Media Studies Launches Efforts to Explore the Future of Educational Media.