Developments in advertising, cult media, metrics, measurement, and accounting for audiences, cultural labor and audience relations.
Agent + Image: How the Television Image Estabilizes Identity in TV Spy Series
The television image and the presentation of self-identity, via two TV series in the spy genre — Alias and The Prisoner.
Transmedia Storytelling: Business, Aesthetics and Production at the Jim Henson Company
How transmedia storytellers can weave complex narratives that will prove rewarding to audiences, academics and producers alike.
Expectations Across Entertainment Media
The implicit contract between the purveyor of an entertainment property and their audience, and the consequences of frustrating audience expectations.
From Physical to Virtual: Extending the Gallery Experience Online
How interactive features in virtual space can be developed to complement physical museum exhibitions and create opportunities to reach broader audiences.
We Are Like This Only: Desis and Hindi Films in the Diaspora
A theoretical framework and a set of analytical tools that might help us understand how Hindi films are watched in the Indian-American diaspora.
“Stepping Up to the Mic”: Le Tigre Strategizes Third Wave Feminist Activism Through Music and Performance
An analysis of the political music band Le Tigre, this thesis explores the strategies for Third Wave feministic activism that Le Tigre creates and pursues through music and performance.