How is the increasing importance of fan behavior re-writing the media landscape? What kinds of accountability should media companies have to their most committed consumers?
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2006: “Viscerality and Web 2.0”
This particular recording is of the opening presentation for the second day, Viscerality and Web 2.0, given by Joshua Green, Research Manager for the Convergence Culture Consortium.
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2006: “Transmedia Properties”
The great potential of transmediation is to deepen audience engagement, but this requires greater awareness of the specific benefits of working within different platforms. How are media companies organizing the development of transmedia properties?
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2006: “User-Generated Content”
Are media companies ready for the grassroots creativity they are unleashing?
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2006: “Television Futures”
The panelists featured in this recording are Andy Hunter, a Planning Director at GSD&M; Mark Warshaw, founder of FlatWorld Entertainment, Inc; and Josh Bernoff, a vice president at Forrester
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2006: “Henry Jenkins’ Opening Remarks”
The first in a series of six podcasts, recorded during the Futures of Entertainment Conference.
Podcast: Scott Donaton, “Marketing in the Age of Consumer Empowerment”
Why user-empowerment is the key trend in business and the ways marketers are adapting to it.