The latest MIT latest was set up right outside the CMS offices, a full living room–curled up cat ‘n all–suspended upsidedown.
Podcast: “Robots and Media: Science Fiction, Anime, Transmedia, and Technology”
How has science fiction has influenced the development of real robotic systems, both in research laboratories and corporations?
CMS now located in MIT Media Lab, Building E15
Our expanded, more-open space at last puts us physically alongside our research colleagues from the Education Arcade, the Center for Future Civic Media, and–as we were in Building 14–the Convergence Culture Consortium.
Boston Phoenix highlights Media Lab work, including Center for Future Civic Media
Alyssa Wright in the Boston Phoenix: “We really don’t have a sense of what it’s like in someone else’s shoes, but technology can bridge that gap.”
Podcast: “On the WOW Pod: A Design for Extimacy and Fantasy-Fulfillment for the World of Warcraft Addict”
A discussion about the inducement of pleasure, fantasy fulfillment, and the mediation of intimacy in a socially-networked gaming paradigm such as World of Warcraft.
Podcast and video: “Youth and Civic Engagement”
The current generation of young citizens is growing up in an age of unprecedented access to information. Will this change their understanding of democracy? What factors will shape their involvement in the political process?
Connecting the Future: The MIT Center for Future Civic Media
In May 2007, MIT had emerged as the top winner in the first Knight News Challenge, with CMS and the Media Lab together receiving $5 million to fund a Center for Future Civic Media.