CMS emerged as a hearty repast, richer and more nutritious than we had any right to expect. It was the right program at the right time.
Video and podcast: “Civics in Difficult Places”
Featuring a number of journalists, advocates, and programmers who utilize new technologies to gather information in contentious geographic regions.
Podcast: “Government Transparency and Collaborative Journalism”
What new ways of gathering and presenting information are evolving from the nexus of government transparency and digital connectedness?
Government Transparency and Collaborative Journalism
Minnesota Public Radio’s Linda Fantin and Sunlight Foundation’s Ellen Miller discuss how new ways of gathering and presenting information are evolving from a nexus of government openness and digital connectedness.
What’s New at the Center for Future Civic Media?
Advanced researchers from the Center for Future Civic Media describe their work and offer live demonstrations of their computing wizardry.
Boston Phoenix highlights Media Lab work, including Center for Future Civic Media
Alyssa Wright in the Boston Phoenix: “We really don’t have a sense of what it’s like in someone else’s shoes, but technology can bridge that gap.”
CMS: Born for Collaboration
From its early days the Comparative Media Studies program has worked with partners from all over MIT. It has collaboration written in its genes.