Clara Fernández-Vara, a Comparative Media Studies alumna, explains her journey from researching Shakespeare in performance to studying and developing videogames.
GAMBIT’s “CarneyVale: Showtime” featured on Games for Windows
It was a 2008 Dream-Build-Play challenge winner and an IGF finalist…and now CarneyVale: Showtime is featured on the Games for Windows homepage
“I want to make games in the way grandpa made films”
Great short video from one of MIT’s Knight Science Journalism fellows interviewing students in our CMS.300 (“Intro to video games”) course.
Games can again engage with issues of the day: GAMBIT’s Philip Tan speaks with USA Today
USA Today asked Philip Tan, director of our Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, to speak about game-makers’ use of current combatants.
Video: Thesis Presentations 2010. Elliot Pinkus: “It’s Not Really There: Implied Physicality in Video Games”
Elliot Pinkus, ’10, examines a model of how designers can create a sense of immersion in video game players.
Video: Thesis Presentations 2010. Hillary Kolos: “Not in it just to win it: Inclusive gaming in an MIT dorm”
Hillary Kolos describes her ethnographic study of gamers who live together in a dorm at MIT.
From the Boston Globe: “MIT lab helps designers reimagine video games”
“GAMBIT’s researchers, a collaboration of artists, historians, writing instructors, and educators, are mostly interested in breaking away from gaming conventions.”