MIT’s Education Arcade and Scheller Teacher Education Program are launching EdTechX, a series of six-week long MITx online courses on EdX.
Podcast: CMS 10th Anniversary: “Applied Humanities: Transforming Humanities Education”
Highlights from the CMS 10th anniversary symposium.
Jobs: Teacher Education Program looking for educational games programmer
MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education Program (STEP) is seeking a talented web application developer with experience working for educational audiences or developing games.
“People don’t like to play easy games”: Eric Klopfer in the Boston Globe
“And games have figured out a way to encourage players to persist at solving challenging problems,” says Eric Klopfer of The Education Arcade.
Ed Arcade’s Osterweil quoted in “High-Tech Simulations Linked to Learning”
“From our perspective, the goal was to come up with something the teacher can adopt without taking a big risk.”
Education Arcade’s “Hi-Tech Who Done It!” in the MIT Technology Review
Part of a research project called the Education Arcade that aims to make computer and video games a valuable component of teaching.
Sandbox Summit Advisory Board Announced
Drawing from a variety of fields, the roster of accomplished professionals includes academics, educators, policy makers and toy developers.