The operation of ubiquitous computing networks at three scales: the body scale, the architectural scale and the urban scale.
Podcast: John Hartley, “Creative Industries, Micro-productivity and Social Learning: A Cultural Science Approach to Cultural and Media Studies”
John Hartley’s approach to media and culture, based on evolutionary and complexity studies, recast in terms of user-created content and networked knowledge.
Creative Industries, Micro-productivity and Social Learning: A Cultural Science Approach to Cultural and Media Studies
John Hartley on recent developments in the field of cultural and media studies, including an account of changes in the economy, culture and technology, and consequent initiatives in educational provision for the creative industries.
Podcast: Richard Rogers, “The End of the Virtual: Digital Methods”
Should the current methods of study change — to have digital methods — however slightly or wholesale, given the focus on objects and content of the medium?
Podcast: Nick Montfort, “Code and Platform in Computational Media”
Adding these neglected levels — programming and computing systems — to digital media studies can help to advance the field.
Comparative Media Insights: “From Gamer Theory to Critical Practice”
How can media studies be both in and of the emergent media forms, and yet retain a creative and critical distance from them?
Podcast: McKenzie Wark, “From Gamer Theory to Critical Practice”
McKenzie Wark on developing critical media approaches to confront the computer game as an historically specific form, the form perhaps of our times.