The Lab seeks researchers who are interested in seeing their mature research put into practice as a game.
GAMBIT UROP Opportunities Open House, Friday, December 11th from 4-6pm
GAMBIT is now hiring current MIT students for a potential 16 positions for the MIT IAP session (Jan 5 through 31).
MIT’s new Reporter’s Notebook features GAMBIT’s Jason Begy and his game “Pierre: Insanity Inspired”
The MIT News Office’s Peter Dizikes helps explain Jason Begy’s interest in establishing what level of challenge players of video games will put up with.
GAMBIT’s Philip Tan in the New York Times
Does Farmville’s popularity signal a wish for quieter times? “Some academics,” by which the Times means Philip Tan of the Gambit Game Lab, think so.
GAMBIT introduces “Game of the Week” feature
Enjoy this “behind the scenes” content from the development process of GAMBIT summer prototypes.
You know you’re doing something right when FoxNews lists you as one of the “11 Wackiest College Courses of Fall 2009”
We take great pride in FoxNews’s acknowledgment, aimed squarely at the GAMBIT Game Lab.
More than half of Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab students find employment in game companies
A remarkable accomplishment and testament to the GAMBIT program.