What are some unexplored ways that online environments can help us rethink “the archive”?
Podcast: Christine Walley, “The Exit Zero Project: A Transmedia Exploration of Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago”
Christine Walley talks about her research into the traumatic effects of the loss of the steel industry in Southeast Chicago and how it found expression in a book, website, and documentary film.
The Exit Zero Project: A Transmedia Exploration of Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago
Christine Walley, Professor of Anthropology at MIT, will present an overview of the Exit Zero Project, which “seeks to recapture the stories of a region traumatized by de-industrialization.”
Exit Zero: Documentary Filmmaking, Historical Memory, and Personal Voice
Filmmakers Chris Boebel and Chris Walley on the making of Exit Zero, an in-progress documentary film about deindustrialization, community, class, and family in a former steel mill region in southeast Chicago.