Gediminas Urbonas is artist and educator, and co-founder of Urbonas Studio, an interdisciplinary research program that advocates for the reclamation of public culture.
Video: Participatory Culture: The Culture of Democracy and Education in a Hypermediated Society, moderated by Henry Jenkins
The third panel from the Comparative Media Studies 10th anniversary symposium.
Podcast: CMS 10th Anniversary: “Participatory Culture: The Culture of Democracy and Education in a Hypermediated Society”
Panelists: Erin Reilly, Karen Schrier, Sangita Shresthova, Pilar Lacasa, and Mitch Resnick
NML Spring Conference – Learning in a Participatory Culture
Comparative Media Studies and Project New Media Literacies will host a one-day conference at MIT, Building 6-120, from 8:30 am to 5 pm on Saturday May 2, 2009.
Qualitative Research Workshop
Working in small teams, students will design and conduct a qualitative project designed to propose strategy for media and cultural organizations.
Podcast: Media in Transition 5: “Copyright, Fair Use and the Cultural Commons”
How has the American tradition of intellectual property law understood the relationship between originality and tradition?