Alex Rivera is a filmmaker who has been telling new, urgent, and visually adventurous Latino stories for more than twenty years.
CMS/W and Racial Justice: A Path Forward
Our faculty in the MIT Faculty Newsletter: “Each of us, separately and together, can continue to fight for justice.”
Podcast: Helen Elaine Lee, “Pomegranate”
Helen Elaine Lee reads from the manuscript of her novel, Pomegranate, about a recovering addict who is getting out of prison and trying to stay clean, regain custody of her children, and choose life.
New report: “#MoreThanCode: Practitioners reimagine the landscape of technology for justice and equity”
Published by the Technology for Social Justice Project, including CMS/W co-authors Associate Professor Sasha Costanza-Chock and recent master’s student Maya Wagoner, S.M., ’17.