Convergence journalism — combining aspects of newspapers, documentary film and digital video are — a notable feature of today’s on-line journalism.
Convergence Journalism? Emerging Documentary and Multimedia Forms of News
How is new access to the power of the visual changing our journalism? What current projects are particularly significant?
Podcast: Kelley Kreitz, “Yellow Journalism as Civic Media?: Rewiring an Experiment with Nineteenth-Century News”
Revisiting the activist impulse behind yellow journalism provides a window on a changing media ecology in which the future of news was under debate.
Podcast, Francis Steen: “The News as a Social Process for Improving Society”
Francis Steen on coverage of the 2011 attack in Norway, that the news is not primarily about reporting what happened but about constructing narratives.
A Proposal for a Code of Ethics for Collaborative Journalism in the Digital Age: The Open Park Code
A proposed code of ethics for collaborative journalism in the digital age, the Open Park Code of Ethics and the Global Media Ethics Forum.
Video and podcast, “Adapting Journalism to the Web” with Jay Rosen and Ethan Zuckerman
How can professional reporters and editors help to assure that quality journalism will be recognized and valued in our brave new digital world?
Adapting Journalism to the Web
How can professional reporters and editors help to assure that quality journalism will be recognized and valued in our brave new digital world?