Ryan Cordell, co-director of the Viral Texts project, speaks about his work uncovering pieces that “went viral” in nineteenth-century newspapers and magazines.
A Conversation about Digital Humanities: What’s It All About?
Let’s talk about the impact of computation on the humanities, about where it can takes us, and about what it means to use this lens on our scholarship. And who’s doing what where in DH at MIT?
Summary, Podcast, Video: “Making Computing Strange: Cultural Analytics and Phantasmal Media”
With Lev Manovich, author of the seminal The Language of New Media, and MIT’s Fox Harrell and Nick Montfort.
Making Computing Strange: Cultural Analytics and Phantasmal Media
With Lev Manovich, author of the seminal The Language of New Media, and MIT’s Fox Harrell and Nick Montfort.
Network Design: A Theory of Scale for Ubiquitous Computing
The operation of ubiquitous computing networks at three scales: the body scale, the architectural scale and the urban scale.
Podcast and Liveblog: “Play in the Age of Computing Machinery” with Miguel Sicart
Miguel Sicart looks at the culture, aesthetics, and technological implications of play in the age of computers.
Miguel Sicart: “Play in the Age of Computing Machinery”
Games scholar Miguel Sicart of the IT University of Copenhagen looks at the culture, aesthetics, and technological implications of play in the age of computers.