Less attention has been focused on a configuration of actors that facilitate the use of data by aggregating open government data and enhancing it.
Podcast: Helen Nissenbaum, “Resisting Data’s Tyranny with Obfuscation”
Data obfuscation is a compelling “weapon-of-the-weak,” which deserves to be developed and strengthened, its moral challenges countered and mitigated.
Podcast: Mary L. Gray, “Size Is Only Half the Story: Valuing the Dimensionality of BIG DATA”
Recent provocations about the role of “big data” in human communication research and technology studies deserve an outline of the value of anthropology, as a particular kind of “big data”.
Podcast: Media in Transition 8, “Surveillance: Big Data and Other Watchers”
Do the ramifying surveillance systems for observing and recording our routine activities fundamentally threaten our privacy and freedom?