by Karen Schrier on
Karen "Kat" Schrier is a game designer, producer, and educator. She is an Associate Professor and the Founding Director of the Games & Emerging Media program at Marist College. She also currently consults as a Game Designer for the World Health Organization (WHO) and is co-PI on a Templeton Foundation Grant on VR and empathy. She was also a Belfer Fellow for the Center for Technology & Society at the ADL. Dr. Schrier is the author/editor of over 100 published works, including We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics and Civics (Oxford University Press), the Learning, Education & Games series (ETC Press/Carnegie Mellon), and Knowledge Games (Johns Hopkins University Press). Prior to becoming a full-time academic, she worked at media companies like Scholastic, BrainPOP, and Nickelodeon. Dr. Schrier holds a doctorate from Columbia University, a master’s degree from MIT, and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College.
Thesis: Revolutionizing History Education: Using Augmented Reality Games to Teach Histories