Nick-Brie Guarriello on the political economies and labor demands of micro-celebrity and Influencer culture across social media platforms regarding the Pokémon GO community.
“The Good Stuff”: The Intersections of Work, Leisure, and Relational Bonding on Tumblr and Patreon
Nick-Brie Guarriello on the political economies and labor demands of micro-celebrity and Influencer culture across social media platforms regarding the Pokémon GO community.
Visual Representations of Race and Gender: Analyzing “Me” in #IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Tumblr
Jenny Korn uses critical race theories and intersectional feminist theories to analyze the visual and textual content of the blog #IfTheyGunnedMeDown to reveal constructions of social justice, respectability politics, media biases, racial stereotypes, viral popularity, and hashtag activism on Tumblr.