John Bryant on revision studies, adaptation, translation, creativity, appropriation, and cultural difference in the ethics and editing of revision.
Revision, Culture, and the Machine: How Digital Makes Us Human
John Bryant will draw upon examples from revision studies, adaptation, and translation in order to highlight the elements of creativity, appropriation, and cultural difference that are at stake in dealing with the ethics and editing of revision.
The Gutenberg Parenthesis: Oral Tradition and Digital Technologies
Is our emerging digital culture partly a return to practices and ways of thinking that were central to human societies before the advent of the printing press?
Podcast: John Bryant and Wendy Seltzer, “Authorship, Appropriation, and the Fluid Text: Versions of the Law”
John Bryant and Wendy Seltzer ask: What are the ethics and legality in the creation, sharing, and ownership of textual versions?