Jabari Evans explores the content and character of Drill rap artists’ work on social media toward acquiring “clout”- a digital form of influence rooted in Hip-Hop that allows marginalized youth to leverage digital tools in building social status.
Video: Lana Swartz, “New Money: How Payment Became Social Media”
Lana Swartz’s book New Money frames money as a media technology, one in major transition.
Podcast: Desmond Upton Patton, “Contextual Analysis of Social Media: The Promise and Challenge of Eliciting Context in Social Media Posts with Natural Language Processing”
Desmond Upton Patton introduces a critical systematic approach for extracting culture, context and nuance in social media data. The Contextual Analysis of Social Media (CASM) approach considers and critiques the gap between inadequacies in natural language processing tools and differences in geographic, cultural, and age-related variance of social media use and communication.
Desmond Upton Patton, “Contextual Analysis of Social Media: The Promise and Challenge of Eliciting Context in Social Media Posts with Natural Language Processing”
Desmond Upton Patton introduces a critical systematic approach for extracting culture, context and nuance in social media data. The Contextual Analysis of Social Media (CASM) approach considers and critiques the gap between inadequacies in natural language processing tools and differences in geographic, cultural, and age-related variance of social media use and communication.
Podcast, Stuart Cunningham and David Craig: “Social Media Entertainment”
Media scholars Stuart Cunningham and David Craig propose challenging, revisionist accounts of the political economy of digital media, the precarious status of creative labor and media management, and the possibilities of progressive cultural politics in commercializing environments.
Stuart Cunningham and David Craig: “Social Media Entertainment”
Media scholars Stuart Cunningham and David Craig propose challenging, revisionist accounts of the political economy of digital media, the precarious status of creative labor and media management, and the possibilities of progressive cultural politics in commercializing environments.
Internet Killed the Michelin Star: The Motives of Narrative and Style in Food Text Creation on Social Media
While the underlying purpose of the construction and consumption of food texts remain the same from analog to digital form, the authority of food culture and its complimentary narrative control has shifted as a result of the convergence of food texts and digital media affordances.