Inside WWE, the official news site for World Wrestling Entertainment, reports that Jim Ross, announcer for WWE's Monday Night Raw, is "excited" about his chance to guest lecture at MIT for our students.
“I’m really interested and excited to see what questions these very bright men and women are going to have after having studied sports-entertainment all semester,” said JR. “You’re looking at some of the most elite college students in America and the world going to MIT.”
"Good Ol' JR" Jim Ross is visiting MIT for two days and will give a public lecture as part of the CMS Colloquia Series, entitled: "This One's Gonna Be a Slobberknocker". This is also part of a series of wrestling events brought to us by CMS graduate student and lecturer Sam Ford as part of his Topics in CMS course, American Pro Wrestling.
Other public events in this series include the colloquium, The Real World’s Faker than Wrestling: Former WWE Champion and Best-Selling Author Mick Foley to take place April 12th and What's Live Got To Do With It? with Sharon Mazer (author of Professional Wrestling: Sport and Spectacle) on April 26th.
As always, audio recordings of these colloquia will be distributed as part of the CMS Podcast.