Comics: Theory and Practice

MIT Building 1, Room 145 33 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

A visual lecture and intensive hands-on workshop with Scott McCloud in the art of making comics. Strong emphasis will be given to developing clarity, storytelling skills and personal expression.

Comics 2003 — A Fast-Changing Landscape

MIT Building 10, Room 250 222 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA

Cartoonist Scott McCloud discusses recent developments in comics and graphic novels and the recently accelerated evolution of comics on the Web.


MIT Building 56, Room 167 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA

Rediscover the magic and pep of this delightfully elastic medium. Work with award-winning animator and designer Pell Osborn.


MIT Building 1, Room 150 33 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

Learn fansubbing--the process of adding subtitles to Japanese animation.