Media in Transition 5: creativity, ownership and collaboration in the digital age
Our understanding of the technical and social processes by which culture is made and reproduced is being challenged and enlarged by digital technologies.
Our understanding of the technical and social processes by which culture is made and reproduced is being challenged and enlarged by digital technologies.
Developments in advertising, cult media, metrics, measurement, and accounting for audiences, cultural labor and audience relations.
This year's conference will work to bring together the themes from last year -- media spreadability, audiences and value, social media, distribution -- with the Consortium's new projects as we move towards an increasingly global understanding of media convergence and content flows.
What are the implications of the tension between storage and transmission for education, for individual and national identities, for notions of what is public and what is private?
Comparative Media Studies and Project New Media Literacies will host a one-day conference at MIT, Building 6-120, from 8:30 am to 5 pm on Saturday May 2, 2009.
Futures of Entertainment 4 once again brings together key industry leaders and academic scholars who are shaping these new directions in our culture.
Sponsored in part by CMS, ROFLCon is "Two days and two nights of the most epic internet culture conference ever assembled."
Has the digital age confirmed and exponentially increased the cultural instability and creative destruction that are often said to define advanced capitalism?
"Informed commentators suggest that this may be the most important gathering of humanity since the fall of the tower of Babel."
This year's event, Nov. 9-10 at MIT, will look at how media producers and audiences are relating to one another in new ways in a spreadable media landscape.
Submissions accepted on a rolling basis until Friday, March 1, 2013.
Concepts of participation, trust, and democracy are increasingly fraught, essential, and powerfully repositioned. How will our news media look and sound in the next decade? What can we learn from news media of the past? What can international perspectives reveal about the variability and fluidity of media landscapes?
DeSForM (Design and Semantics of Form and Movement) seeks to present current research into the nature, character and behavior of emerging typologies of connected and intelligent objects within adaptive systems.
A conference for diverse constituencies to express their views and to showcase findings on videography as a creative tool in the quest for social justice.