“It’s something of a time capsule, with responses to the events more or less as they happened and before they codified into a well-rehearsed narrative.”
Race and Representation after 9/11
What kind of popular culture is made in the context of war? How do notions of civil rights shift in a post-Civil Rights era?
Podcast: Cynthia Young, “Race and Representation after 9/11”
Cynthia Young and Anamik Saha on media representations of African American men in the “war on terror,” from criminal to patriot, at war against a new enemy.
Applied Humanism: The Re:constructions Project
“By Monday morning, the site, Re:constructions, had launched with more than one hundred essays [about immediate reactions to 9/11].”
The Construction of Photojournalism: Visual Style and Branding in the Magnum Photos Agency
The visual style of photographic representation developed by the Magnum Photos agency, the most prestigious international agency for photojournalists.
Teach-in On Media Response to Terrorist Attacks
The series of talks on the 9/11 terrorist attacks was sponsored in part by Comparative Media Studies.
CMS Creates “Reconstructions” Web Site
Students, faculty and staff from the Comparative Media Studies program, with contributions from friends and colleagues around the world, have created Reconstructions, a website devoted to reflections on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania tragedies and aftermath.