From Inc., “The Office: Is Your Company Inbred?”:
Of course there are good reasons to shake employees’ personal networks when hiring. People who play together well are likely to work together well. (Henry Jenkins, a professor at M.I.T., has suggested that companies may one day recruit whole groups that form around online games.) In addition, an employee understands that a friend’s performance affects their own reputation, and consequently will avoid referring incompetents and perpetual procrastinators. Nothing kills a relationship faster than working all night to correct the screw-ups your gormless chum introduced into a major project.
From Religion Dispatches, “Twitter of Faith: Microblogging and the Divine”:
Recent developments in what MIT media theorist Henry Jenkins calls “media convergence” point to significant effects of “transmediation” where religious stories may unfold across multiple media platforms. With the proliferation of Web-based and mobile communication devices, the production and dissemination of viral e-mail, instant messaging–and now tweets–may accelerate the speed and intensity of message spread and traction.
To this point, one pastor has blogged about how he had prayed about a prayer request that he had received on Twitter, and in turn retweeted the message to everyone who followed him on Twitter.
And from the L.A. Times technology blog, “On Twitter, mindcasting is the new lifecasting”:
“I’ve been following the blogosphere for a long time,” said Henry Jenkins (@henryjenkins), the head of MIT’s Comparative Media Studies center. As a human-to-human communications medium, he said, “I’ve never seen the scale and volume of the flow of information that Twitter is facilitating.”