Race in Digital Space
MIT Building E51 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MACyberspace has been represented as a race-blind environment, yet our everyday encounters with race have consequences--both "inside and outside the box."
Cyberspace has been represented as a race-blind environment, yet our everyday encounters with race have consequences--both "inside and outside the box."
The election of an African-American president in Nov. 2008 has been hailed as a transforming event. But has Obama's ascension transformed anything?
If virtual world users' claims to citizenship and sovereignty within those worlds are to be taken seriously, so too must the question of "gray collar" or semi-legal virtual laborers.
What kind of popular culture is made in the context of war? How do notions of civil rights shift in a post-Civil Rights era?
Coco Fusco New York-based interdisciplinary artist and writer Coco Fusco will consider the critical responses to the original Planet of the Apes films, focusing in particular on the interpretation of the films as critiques of American race relations during the 1960's and '70's. She will also discuss her interest in exploring the strategies used in […]